Why are the prices for the same products different?
Originally we wanted to define for each product a standard price. But when we found an orange colored bicycle tube from the 60ties we realized that we should sell unique specimen tubes.
Everything that is rare has a higher price. Starting with 65 CHF for the black belt the uniqueness sets the price. The more unique the higher the price. Everybody can make his choice how unique his belt should be, that means how much individuality and exclusivity you need.
How many coloured tubes exist?
Coloured tubes are very rare. We think that we can find only 2 to 3 coloured tubes of 3.000 bicycle tubes. So far we found only one orange and two blue tubes. These are rare specimen, the Van Goghs of our tubes.
Why is each product individually showed? And why is there only one piece available for each product?
Each tube-product is a unique specimen. The product of your choice on the photo is exactly the one you get delivered. As soon as you have ordered the product on the photo it is not available furthermore and will be deleted from our database.
Where and from whom are the products manufactured?
Except the belt buckles, which are manufactured abroad, all of our products are made in Switzerland. We're proud to say that they are eco-friendly and carefully handmade with sustainable materials under fairtrade conditions. At the moment an old garage in downtown Biel is our storage place and workroom. You can visit our manufacturing facility on request.
Can i buy «tube»-products in shops?
Yes, there are selected shops where you can buy our «tube’s».
List of shops
Can i send you my used bicycle tubes?
Yes you can but you should send at least 10 pieces.
How long is he belt?
All belts have a length of 110 to 115 cm. If you need a longer one we can adapt the length to your needs. Please contact us.
The belt is too long. What can I do?
The buckle can be taken off and the belt can be reduced in size by a pair of scissors. But caution: what is cut off is off! Adding is not possible :-)
Can the products be collected personally?
Yes in certain cases it is possible. Please contact us per mail and let your target date be confirmed.